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The Vatican Rome

Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2010 14:58
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The Vatican encompassing the Basilica di San Pietro and the Museo Vaticano, takes a whole morning to see. I always seem to go into shock when I walk into St. Peter’s basilica as  the majesty of the place is so overwhelming and the artistry – genius!!  I have such a sense of awe there that I cannot speak.

It really is a sacred place and I always feel annoyed that so many tourists do not respect that and walk around taking photos and talking without realising that they are in a sacred place and amongst the tombs of many spiritual people. The work of Bernini, one of the greatest sculptors in the history of man, is just overpowering. And of course the great Michelangelo I want to bow and worship. His 'Pieta' of our Lady with her dead son on her lap is one of the most moving sculptures ever to be seen.

Also the incredible marble in the columns with every colour imaginable… it is amazing that our earth produces such beautiful stone….I could go on and on.I would love to live in roma for six months to be able to go back for a morning every week as there is so much to see and discover just in the Basilica let alone the Museum!!  I highly recommend going on the Small Group Vatican Museum Tour as it is so interesting to be told what everything is, by a guide with a arts degree.

The smaller group is much better of course than the larger group tour as there are thousands of people in both the museum and church at any one time and it is easier to hear with a smaller group and to be able to ask questions etc.

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