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Il 31 Dicembre 2010 ritorna Love, il format del Capodanno veneziano che farà pulsare il cuore della città in una delle notti più importanti dell'anno, in Piazza San Marco e Piazza Ferretto.

La festa di capodanno in Piazza San Marco vivrà sull’alternanza di musica dal vivo, animazione tutta tesa alla preparazione al bacio di mezzanotte , ed ospiti che saliranno sul palco per offrire la loro testimonianza sull’amore.

Un brindisi dopo la mezzanotte a base di Bellini in Piazzetta San Marco convoglierà poi il pubblico verso il bacino, dove stupefacenti fuochi artificiali daranno il benvenuto all’anno nuovo. La piazza continuerà a vivere dopo la mezzanotte al ritmo della colonna sonora di Love.

ore 22:00 Inizio spettacolo love 2010
Intrattenimento e musica con Dj Maci e il Principe Maurice

dalle ore 23:00 Brindisi
Brindisi per tutti con Bellini Canella dal porticato di Palazzo Ducale.

ore 24:00 Countdown
Countdown di benvenuto al 2010

ore 00:15 Spettacolo pirotecnico
Inizio spettacolo pirotecnico in Bacino di San Marco.

ore 00:30 Danza in piazza
Danze romantiche in piazza San Marco

Domenica 05 Settembre 2010 12:19


After Roma we headed up to the beautiful Villa Marcella in Chianti. A magnificent large Tuscan homestead which was once part of a large Chianti wine estate but now is in the village of Cavriglia being built in the last 2 centuries. It was really now very cold in Tuscany and the villa was very hard to heat with central heating as it was so large.
Sabato 07 Agosto 2010 09:54

A Week in Rome

Most of our first week in Rome was spent walking to the Vodaphone shop in Via Corso to try to get the two internet pens to work!! One for me and one for the children to stay in contact their friends -being teenagers, facebook had become very important. If anything is remotely difficult in Australia then the same is enormously difficult in Italy in another language. Lucky we were returning

Sabato 24 Luglio 2010 18:35

Travelling in Italy with Children

I needed to spend some quality time in Italy viewing all the wonderful accommodation Passion for Italy works with and their charming owners so I had to take advantage of our two months summer school holidays. Being such a long flight for Australians it is madness to go for a short time as it takes a week to recover from jet lag… was November and I was not looking forward to a long hot summer with children bored and trying to work...
Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2010 14:58

The Vatican Rome

The Vatican encompassing the Basilica di San Pietro and the Museo Vaticano, takes a whole morning to see. I always seem to go into shock when I walk into St. Peter’s basilica as  the majesty of the place is so overwhelming and the artistry – genius!!  I have such a sense of awe there that I cannot speak.

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