Mercoledì 24 Novembre 2010 08:53

Partirà dal Teatro Verdi di Pisa il nuovo, affascinante progetto di Andrea Bocelli. Con "Notte Illuminata” il Maestro regala agli appassionati di musica classica, e non solo, una serie di concerti capaci di abbracciare oltre duecento anni di musica, quattro lingue, e sette compositori in un’esperienza unica che viaggerà per il mondo. E per l’importante debutto, il tenore ha pensato proprio alla sua terra.

“Notte Illuminata”, infatti, accenderà i riflettori il 29 dicembre al Teatro Verdi di Pisa per un concerto di beneficenza in favore dell’associazione “Viva Federico” e dell'associazione "ARPA" di cui Bocelli è Presidente onorario. La prevendita partirà  martedì' 23 novembre. Il suggestivo lavoro vede il celebre tenore cimentarsi in una serie di perle del repertorio classico con il solo accompagnamento del pianoforte suonato dal  pianista di fama internazionale Maestro Vincent Scalera.

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Quote by Pablo Neruda

Martedì 23 Novembre 2010 06:02
Lentamente muore chi non viaggia,
chi non legge,
chi non ascolta musica,
chi non trova grazia in se stesso.

He who does not travel,
who does not read,
who does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself,
dies slowly.

Pablo Neruda


Giovedì 18 Novembre 2010 20:16
At the Tuscan farm we stayed at on Christmas eve, the lovely owner Emanuella made a special nativity scene just for our unit.  They put fresh moss on the base and then lights and all the little nativity figures with the animals .  It is made fresh every year with a new little village and maybe a new character added.  it was really wide and a lot of work to set up. I was very moved by the effort she made.  Our apartment was on a sheep farm so they made at home the pecorino cheese which was to die for.


Il 31 Dicembre 2010 ritorna Love, il format del Capodanno veneziano che farà pulsare il cuore della città in una delle notti più importanti dell'anno, in Piazza San Marco e Piazza Ferretto.

La festa di capodanno in Piazza San Marco vivrà sull’alternanza di musica dal vivo, animazione tutta tesa alla preparazione al bacio di mezzanotte , ed ospiti che saliranno sul palco per offrire la loro testimonianza sull’amore.

Un brindisi dopo la mezzanotte a base di Bellini in Piazzetta San Marco convoglierà poi il pubblico verso il bacino, dove stupefacenti fuochi artificiali daranno il benvenuto all’anno nuovo. La piazza continuerà a vivere dopo la mezzanotte al ritmo della colonna sonora di Love.

ore 22:00 Inizio spettacolo love 2010
Intrattenimento e musica con Dj Maci e il Principe Maurice

dalle ore 23:00 Brindisi
Brindisi per tutti con Bellini Canella dal porticato di Palazzo Ducale.

ore 24:00 Countdown
Countdown di benvenuto al 2010

ore 00:15 Spettacolo pirotecnico
Inizio spettacolo pirotecnico in Bacino di San Marco.

ore 00:30 Danza in piazza
Danze romantiche in piazza San Marco


Martedì 02 Novembre 2010 20:32

Continuing the series of travelling through Italy with my family last European winter....

For me it did not feel lIke Christmas because we were havIng a white Christmas. Funny -  that after all those years of seeing ChrIstmas trees with snow on them on cards....!!! and now when I am surrounded by them does not feel lIke Christmas because our Christmas in Australia is sweltering - opening presents with beer and nuts and fantastic ham with cranberry sauce...

Here in Italy they have lasagne in the Christmas meal.  Now why the hell would you want to eat Lasagne for Christmas, when you have it all the time throughout the year???

Spent my birthday driving from Liguria to Grosseto and went out to a Pizzeria wIth a mixture of Australian and Italian friends – a bit of a change from the recital I have for my birthday back home where all my talented friends and family perform.

We have had such an eventful week since I last wrote that I do not know where to start. The most wondrous was openIng this huge three meter door at a hotel in Perugia UmbrIa, at 5.30 am and receivIng  the biggest shock on seeing the white snow.  We had not seen TV or heard the news so we did not know it was going to snow.... 


Domenica 24 Ottobre 2010 21:31

In Italy, I have to concentrate here a lot more while driving because of the little motorscooters that zip in and out around your car. I missed one by an inch. These young boys on the bikes – mamma mia – they do crazy things – illegal and give you a heart attack!! We saw an 80 yr old woman on a motorscooter.  However she was more sedate!!! Ju laughed her head off!!! Here kids can ride a 50 cc at 14 yr. I guess ju would have one by now if she lived here. (glad we don’t live here now). Unfortunately my children say to me “But you rode a motor bike mum when young – why can’t we”???  I think if I lived here though I would get one again for the summer  as the drivers are a lot more used to bikes than we and finding a park is a nightmare for shopping and so expensive.

Driving here up to Liguria from Pisa nearly killed me with heart attack, from too much adrenaline. We came out of a big tunnel through the high mountains and there we were swaying in mid air on a suspension bridge thousands of meters up in the sky strung between two high peaks that dropped down to the sea. I made the mistake of looking out over the edge.  Wooohhhh!! screamed the kids. With that I had to start deep breathing as i suddenly felt sick.  It took all my concentration to think about following the lines on the road as i was absolutely terrified. I am scared of heights and it was simply terrible.


Venerdì 08 Ottobre 2010 10:16

I cannot describe how wonderful it is to be travelling in Italy. I simply love it -the lifestyle, the language, the smells of the coffee, the food...the clothes. Winter in Italy is freezing. I had forgotten what Europe is like with the winter - you know the fur when you speak. It was 3 degrees one day then 10 the next. Long johns are necessary for my nobbly knees. I just do not know how the homeless exist and there are many in Roma. My heart goes out to them sleeping under the bridge in winter. I always remember the story when I was learning Italian at the international school in Rome many years ago now about the Danish doctor who was studying with me. He went for a ride on his scooter at night and left his wallet behind. He ran out of petrol and had no phone etc or money and could not leave his bike as it would get stolen... 


Domenica 05 Settembre 2010 12:19
After Roma we headed up to the beautiful Villa Marcella in Chianti. A magnificent large Tuscan homestead which was once part of a large Chianti wine estate but now is in the village of Cavriglia being built in the last 2 centuries. It was really now very cold in Tuscany and the villa was very hard to heat with central heating as it was so large.

A Week in Rome

Sabato 07 Agosto 2010 09:54

Most of our first week in Rome was spent walking to the Vodaphone shop in Via Corso to try to get the two internet pens to work!! One for me and one for the children to stay in contact their friends -being teenagers, facebook had become very important. If anything is remotely difficult in Australia then the same is enormously difficult in Italy in another language. Lucky we were returning

Travelling in Italy with Children

Sabato 24 Luglio 2010 18:35
Tagged under
I needed to spend some quality time in Italy viewing all the wonderful accommodation Passion for Italy works with and their charming owners so I had to take advantage of our two months summer school holidays. Being such a long flight for Australians it is madness to go for a short time as it takes a week to recover from jet lag… was November and I was not looking forward to a long hot summer with children bored and trying to work...

Working with Italians everyday and visiting them every year for twenty years, they never cease to make me laugh with their ways and sayings.  The Italian language is very beautiful and their proverbs  and idioms when translated are so very funny.  One  of my favourite is when someone is cranky or angry you say that ‘ He has a fly up his nose”!! “Gli è saltata la mosca al naso, si è arrabbiato”! The Italian way is very different from English, Australian and American culture......

Why I love Italy

Mercoledì 16 Giugno 2010 05:57

My daughter asked me the other day why I have such a Passion for Italy and I responded "I have loved it from the moment I first set foot in Roma over twenty years ago." How can you explain why you love. You just do. You love when things and people make you feel good about yourself or when they set your spirit free. My spirit is set free in Italy for some reason. In Italy it soars.

The Vatican Rome

Mercoledì 09 Giugno 2010 14:58

The Vatican encompassing the Basilica di San Pietro and the Museo Vaticano, takes a whole morning to see. I always seem to go into shock when I walk into St. Peter’s basilica as  the majesty of the place is so overwhelming and the artistry – genius!!  I have such a sense of awe there that I cannot speak.

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